A multi-mission approach to close the gaps in understanding of the structure and variability in the Mars upper atmosphere
In January 2025 a second presential meeting is held at the ISSI headquarters in Bern (Switzerland) of this interesting project, devoted to put together data, scientific results and
experiences from the two missions MAVEN (NASA) and Trace Gas Orbiter (ESA+Roscosmos)
Coordinated by Ed Thieman (Colorado Univ.) the project contains several working groups devoted, in a first phase, to compare the differnet assets, estimate proper scaling factors, and generate GCM outputs for reference and intercomparison. In a second phase, which starts in January 2025, a number of science groups will decide which and how the datasets are used and combined to extract extra science and insight into the Martian upper atmosphere. Topics of focused interest include the mesopause, the propagation of gravity waves, the polar winter regions at high altitude and the global climatology of temperature, density and H2O.
The GAPT (M.A.Lopez-Valverde and F. González-Galindo) participate in the project, leading the science topic “Whole Upper Atm. Climatology” and co-leading the “Modeling and dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere”.